When considering a mode of thinking appropriate to the process of Planetary Development as a precursor on human affairs and thought that speaks not only to one generation but perhaps to all human generations one document comes to mind even beyond say something like the US Constitution or major religious writings and that document came into being in 1962 by a group known as the Students for a Democratic Society or the SDS and named from the place it was created which was Port Huron Michigan it became known as the Port Huron Statement issued and adopted by the SDS as a founding code of being or perspective as an activist involved in world affairs.
As someone interested in our worlds Planetary Development I have found the text and intent of thought within the Port Huron Statement to be pure in terms of truth exercising a freedom of thought and speech rough and pointed as it is at times rarely seen elsewhere in doctrine. Thusly the Port Huron Statement forms a kind of template in the freedom of mental thought, speech and action that those looking ahead into the future should become familiar with as a perspective toward whole system integrity.
So, for those who have never read or those who have never been introduced to the Port Huron Statement I have attached a pdf file below from Senator Tom Haydens website and Tom I thank you and the other authors for this perspective laid down as an enhancing doctrine unto the human condition.
Just laying a little more ground work on human perspective for the field of Planetary Development to come.
All my love and respect,
Randy K. Pruitt
Forgetting what I have said both in the above and below sections about the United States Constitution and in short how it has been miss used let us pretend for a few minuets that it is a set of living principles that has not been bought and sold to the highest bidder and that it has not been mauled over to the extent that the print on the parchment is no longer legible so for the sake of fairness here below is the United States Constitution, the Preamble, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
All documents attained through open public access archives.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights |
I am throwing another file out here to the left derived by the United Nations years ago called the Universal Declaration of Human Rights take a look and see what you think.
Pursuant to the change of perspective noted on the page "To All Futurists" the below section has been moved to the archives (not that it hasn't been up there long enough I mean we have a new President and hopefully a new type of government coming in just a few days we will see in any case I am shifting the emphasis now toward solutions and not gripping about how things are or have been in the past. Times must change including me.