There comes a time of ages upon a civilization when it's change or suffocate in a self imposed stagnation and even go by the wayside of history simply because that civilization did not realize it was vital to stand up as one species rather than arguing over its parts.
The coming field of human endeavor called Planetary Development a toolbox that will assist with our civilizations growth and development.
The Field of Planetary Development
A Toolbox Designed to Build Bridges across the Human Condition.
Bridging the Gaps Across the Human Condition |
It was once said by a carpenter that you cannot build a house without a plan. Yet our civilization somehow has the fullest of expectation that by some miracle of happenstance a one hundred room mansion all loaded and ready for occupancy will fall from the sky before us without any planning, work or effort on our part on any collective planetary level. Our civilization is moving straight ahead without such a plan in terms of projects, missions, goals, methods, strategies and dreams common to all upon our world. The defining elements as to who we are, where we are going and just how we are going about getting there on a civilization wide basis is lacking. These elements guide all of our social and economic systems. So, a created linkage or glue adding to a greater cohesion in thought and effort across the whole of our civilization is needed.
Planetary Development as a field of human endeavor is at its inception aimed at the resolution of these above issues and much more. In the future, Planetary Developers shall work at establishing a coherent framework of the above elements familiar to all the inhabitants of our world.
Ask yourself, where are the great dreams and plans on our world today? See if you can answer this question and if so point to where within our civilization you see it.
A Toolbox For Our Civilizations Future |
Science Engineering Economics Medicine Agriculture Mining Mathematics Environmental
And many many more
| Examples range from the Physical Elements to the Left to the Social Elements to the Right where an Integration of other Fields of Human Endeavor shall find new pathways of understanding and cooperation as the Great Projects and the Dreams of our Civilization unfold and are realized as the Field of Planetary Development begins to take shape creating a framework of support for all of our civilization in the years ahead.
| Sociology Education Psychology Social Work Anthropology Political Science Social Geography
And many many more
Planetary Development - Our Own